Universitätsklinikum Leipzig
Αριθμός περίπτερου: HALL 13 - B35
Σχετικά με εμάς
Medicine is our vocation - this guiding principle characterizes everyday life at Leipzig's largest hospital with 1451 beds. More than 6,000 employees work here to care for 400,000 inpatients and outpatients every year at the highest medical level, with a close relationship to people. Findings from medical research flow directly into patient care at an early stage and give our patients access to the latest procedures and treatments.
In addition, the Academy for Professional Qualification at Leipzig University Hospital trains 850 trainees in seven professions and qualifies employees of Leipzig University Hospital in more than 780 workshops and in 5 state-recognized further training courses for healthcare professions. Education and lifelong learning are the focus at two facilities - the Education Center and the Medical Vocational School - at two locations.
Liebigstraße 20
04103 Leipzig
E-Mail: recruiting@medizin.uni-leipzig.de
Τηλέφωνο: +49 151 55019357
Διαδίκτυο: www.uniklinikum-leipzig.de/
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